Cinci familii din Romania la Special Families Campaign, Roma
SOS Infertilitatea s-a implicat intr-un proiect paneuropean, lansand in Romania Campania Familiile Sperantei, care isi doreste sa puna in evidenta importanta notiunii de familie, sa transmita un mesaj de speranta pentru ceilalti si sa reliefeze faptul ca exista multe moduri in care o familie se poate implini.
Fotografii ale familiilor care au luptat sau continua sa lupte cu infertilitatea din diverse tari europene, insotite de un scurt mesaj, au fost publicate in format de carte postala si expuse la Congresul ESHRE, ce a avut loc la Roma la sfarsitul lui iunie 2010. La acest eveniment au fost prezenti peste 8000 de participanti din toata Europa, este important ca si “povestea” familiilor sperantei din Romania a fost spusa.
After ten years of waiting, tears and hope, our first IVF procedure blessed us with these two gorgeous smiles. Keep on hoping!
Mirela & Mihai from Romania.
After eight long years of fertility treatments and two unsuccessful IVF procedures, miracle happened: we naturally conceived our daughter, Ema, born in 2010. Our message for infertile couples: do not give up, keep on hoping!
Ioana & Stefan from Romania.
After a few years of treatments for PCOS and an interrupted IVF procedure, we naturally conceived our daughter, Eva. We hope we’ll soon be able to give her a little brother or sister.
Paula & Dan from Romania.
Our twins, Ana and Matei, conceived with the help of an IVF-ICSI treatment, make our lives brighter and we want to send a message of hope to everyone that needs one: infertility can be defeated!
Elena & Catalin from Romania.
We are a European family fighting with infertility in the city of storks, Strasbourg. We managed to overcome the drama of miscarrying twice, but we are going on with the fertility treatments and we are quite optimistic: we will be parents soon enough!
Raluca from Romania & Michel from France.
ajutor pentru cauza luptei cu infertilitatea, Asociatia SOS Infertilitatea, asociatii de pacienti, Campania Familiile Sperantei, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embriology ESHRE, Fertility Europe, fertilizare in vitro FIV, forum infertilitate, infertilitate,
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